Hi there, welcome to my Forex trading site.
Using technical skills I learned over the past few years I created The Forex Guy website with the intention of sharing my knowledge and experiences with other aspiring, and passionate traders.
I then further developed my skills and used them to created the Forex War Room – a private membership area hosting a private chat room, forum, and my popular Forex trading course “The Price Action Protocol”, and much more.
Who is The Forex Guy?
I am from a city called Wollongong Australia, which is 1 hour south of Sydney.
I first discovered the Forex market back in 2007 when I first clicked on an eToro ad – which is now a very popular Forex broker. There my Forex journey began…
I started off like any Forex trader – overconfident at first (because it looked easy), then became quickly overwhelmed by the complex environment I made for myself.
You see, I was trading using recommended indicators combinations, and chart templates. For me this was quite off putting, as I didn’t really want to sit in front of the computer all day tracking an overbearing amount of data, that was really beyond any persons limits.
Determined to avoid this complication – I started researching trading Forex without indicators and quickly found my place with price action based strategies. This is basically the technique and methodology of making trading decisions from actual price movements on clean, plain price charts.
I’ve been trading with price action strategies since 2007 and I am proud of my achievements in the market.
So here I am today, showing other traders what I have learned through my trading journey. But it doesn’t stop there – I am always researching, developing and testing new strategies and money management systems 😉
Regardless of what level of Forex trader you are – I am confident you will find something useful here to take back to your trading on The Forex Guy blog 🙂
Why was this site created?
As I mentioned I gained an interest in web development. I used these skills and my knowledge to create The Forex Guy website, and continually use them to expand and improve the site to give my followers the best experience here.
One of the best ways to move forward is by teaching others what you know. By mentoring other traders about Forex – I keep myself in check.
The site is self fulfilling – by helping other traders get on their feet, helping them move forward, and giving them a good understanding about Forex trading has only strengthened my skills as a trader. You can never stop growing, helping others is a good way to self-improve.
When I first started The Forex Guy website, I didn’t expect it to take off so quickly. It’s growing everyday!
This website is an ongoing project and I work hard each day to implement new features, updates and improvements. I only publish quality information for my visitors, and thrive to maintain a high standard in everything I do.
What information is available on this site?
If you’re a beginner and you would like to learn the basic principles of Forex trading and how the market works, then you can check out our Forex Beginners Course.
To get a feel for how I trade, you can check out our Forex market commentary, or my Forex Videos that contain live demonstrations of our price action strategies.
If you’re really serious about price action trading, and want to learn all of our professional price action strategies and money management plans in detail – then we offer members only area called the ‘Forex War Room’. We currently offer ‘lifetime access membership’ the the War Room, which will give you access to our advanced price action course, forum, chat room and video commentary, plus much more.
If you’re that serious trader who thinks they could benefit from our forex price action strategies, then you can find more about the Forex War Room over at our Forex War Room Information Page.
How can we help you evolve as a trader?
Unfortunately most traders never achieve what they’ve set out to do. Most of the time they lack a solid trading plan, money management system or the mental capacity to control their emotions, continuously jumping from trading system to trading system until nothing is left.
Don’t be one of these traders which remind me of an aircraft that never get the chance to take off the runway. The pain of continuously grounding themselves by making continuous bad decisions.
Sadly, the internet is saturated with tons of very low quality information, scams and account disintegrating trading robots. New, and experienced traders get caught up in all the marketing hype which promise everything and deliver nothing.
Within 5 minutes of searching the net for Forex content you will find…
- Trading systems that use weird exotic indicators that make your charts look like a 5 year old’s drawing.
- Scalping systems that burn your eyes out due to the fact they require you to sit in front of the trading screen all day, just to try and grab 5 measly pips per trade.
- Trading strategies based on astrology, basing trading decisions on planetary alignments???
- Trading gurus that tell you what you should have done, only in hindsight.
- Forex trading robot scams with headlines like, ‘Buy this Forex trading robot; it will make you $1000 every night while you sleep’.
At The Forex Guy, we don’t need to use indicators, planetary alignments or robots to make our trading decisions. We focus on the raw price movements and read the chart’s ‘price action footprint’ to identify high probability, but low risk signals that we can capitalize on.
I believe trading with price action is the most reliable, consistent and profitable way to approach the markets.
It has been this way for years, and will be for many years to come. Price action is king!
Getting in touch with us
Please don’t get in touch with me if you’re only after free Forex signals, or if you’re a broker trying to market your business to me!
If you’re a legit Forex trader who has questions – feel free to open a support ticket up at our Support Desk
Or you can email me directly at support(AT)theforexguy.com